"Se o teu corpo não está sob o teu controle, a tua mente não está sob o teu controle, e o teu espírito não está sob o teu controle, como vais enfrentar o desafio do tempo e do espaço?" - Yogi Bhajan

sábado, 6 de novembro de 2010

November 2010 Numerology

November 2010 Numerology: Reconnect with the Magic of Life
By Nam Hari Kaur Khalsa, California, USA, in Aquarian Times

November is a time of restless frustration that is longing to break free into a new and creative passion. We want change, and we want it now! The intensity of our emotions will tempt us to consider bold and potentially risky action, so give yourself time to consider the consequence before signing on the dotted line. Hastily setting things in stone will have you feeling even more trapped and at odds with the world. Number 5 is at play in the sub-layers of the month, and 5 brings an impetuous spirit which likes to throw caution to the wind and wake up the neighbors. You can take off in new directions; just remember to bring a compass. Endurance is a key factor, so pace yourself on every level as you look towards the finish line of 2010. As accelerated as life may be, it’s the tortoise who’s going to win this one, not the rabbit. Keep your own stride and rhythm; don’t get distracted into running someone else’s race.

Communication is slippery throughout the month, and one of the most outstanding of this is that people will have a difficult time committing to anything. If you’re organizing a holiday meal and ask someone to make the cranberry sauce, you may get the reply, “Ah, I’m not sure, I’ll really have to get back to you later on that!” Don’t take their inability to commit personally; it simply means they’re overwhelmed and are trying to avoid an unwanted obligation. Emotions of feeling trapped or restricted will be running high, so try not to trigger a person’s fight or flight response. Some people will resort to telling lies just to cover themselves or survive the moment, so using your intuition to filter their communication will help separate the wheat from the chaff. When stressed, people typically over or under project their energy and the frequency of their voice when they know they can’t really come through. Train yourself to be able to read between the lines. There is often more information in the unspoken, than in what is actually being said. People will be maneuvering for power, and similar to the shifting of the tectonic plates of the Earth, this experience will be unsettling for those who are in the way of the seismic waves. The expression, “Bull in a china shop” applies to the surge of frustrated energy in November.
Looking to solutions, the matadors of Spain were masters at out-maneuvering the raging bull. By keeping calm and balanced, and through the art of distraction, they could shift the bull’s focus and remain unscathed.

It is unlikely there will be an actual bull you will have to confront, however it is interesting to note that much of our descriptive language comes from the behavior of animals. Hence the expression “He or she’s a bully.” Children are particularly vulnerable to acting out or receiving this type of behavior, and the root of it is often found in what they see in their parent’s behavior. If you have a child, take time to notice how they are feeling and if they are doing well emotionally. Children born in the year 2000 and beyond are of a more sensitive spiritual psyche than before the change of the millennium. They have come here to be a direct working part of the peaceful unfolding of humanity. You may not have a biological child, however chances are good that you have children in your life. Taking a moment to be sensitive to what a child needs, or might be going through, is more healing for you than all the self-help books in the world.
The Heart number of this month is a 3, and 3 represents a playful, creative, childlike spirit. Our own inner child would like to be heard, understood, and valued at this time. Looking to solutions for nurturing our inner child, don’t think you’re too cool to go to Toys R’ Us and find a nice creative project to work on. Whether you paint by numbers or grab a can of Play-Doh, doing something child-like and creative will help take your mind off all the adult cares. Design a new world with an Etch-a-Sketch, or build an empire with Legos. This is amazingly wonderful therapy, and much cheaper than the psychiatrist’s office. As adults we often lose the connection to play-time, and this creates an imbalance in our mental landscape. Many of the deep emotional fissures of sadness and depression we sometimes slip into can be avoided by engaging in something playful and creative. Most indigenous cultures recognize the need for play, and include music and dance as a part of their lifestyle. In the film classic “Titanic” Jack’s character is invited to a formal dinner after he has so graciously saved the leading lady’s life. The dinner party is composed mostly of a stuffy and emotionally suffocating group of well dressed people, behaving within the rigid guidelines of a strict social structure. Just as he’s about to leave the formal dining hall, Jack whispers into Kate Winslet’s ear, “Wanna go to a real party?” From there he whisks her off to the steerage deck where the fiddles are playing, the ale is splashing from the mugs, and every man, woman, and child is on the dance floor flying to the Irish Jig. Now she’s having the time of her life that she never knew existed.

We all need this kind of experience from time to time. Reconnecting with the spark and magic of life is an essential part of our human experience. The native American Indians have their drumming circles and sweat lodges, the Amish culture comes together in a barn raising for the newlywed couple, and indigenous African tribes celebrate each harvest and season of change with ceremonial dance and festivities. As modern Americans we have been increasingly sold the “What about me?” mentality, which ultimately creates a culture of frustration and lack. You can energetically flip this by saying, “Who’s around me?” and shift your attention to the people present in your environment. A flower when watered will always grow, and a new garden is available to you in any season.

No matter what your circumstances are, make a plan this Thanksgiving to participate in a holiday gathering and gut-up and bring that cranberry sauce. Involve yourself with others socially, or find a way to be of service to those in need. Quoting a lyric of Pink Floyd in their classic “Dark Side of The Moon” album, the lead singer says, “Hanging on in silent desperation is the English way.” Shift away from your internal darkness where you imagine that you are the only one who feels this bad, into a lighter and more inclusive space of joy and camaraderie. In the words of the Sufi saint Hafiz we can remember:

“Ever since happiness heard your name,
It has been running through the streets
Trying to find you.”

Would you like to know more? Nam Hari Kaur can do a personal reading for you, either in person or over the phone. Hidden away in the numbers of your birth date are the secrets to your life’s happiness and true potential. Information is power, and real solutions are given in each session so you may experience a “breakthrough effect” in your life. Nam Hari specializes in the area of relationships, and your questions on love, money, and destiny line fulfillment are answered. 310-202-8937 or 575-305-0017 email: akara@cybermesa.com

domingo, 31 de outubro de 2010

Destaques para Novembro

mais informações em: Congreso anual de Kundalini Yoga


mais informações em: Yoga Kundalini

quarta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2010

Outubro de 2010

October 2010 Numerology Forecast – All or Nothing: A Time to Re-Assess

By Nam Hari K. Khalsa, California, USA, in AQUARIAN TIMES

October is a time when we will be forging the alliances which will carry us into the New Year and the new age unfolding on planet Earth. Who’s with us and who’s against us is the prevailing theme of this month, as number 10 is the dynamic of “All or Nothing!” You can love me, you can hate me, but just please make up your mind! In our hearts we are yearning for 100% loyalty, and anything less than that will cause conflict and confrontation.

Once upon a time there was a military leader named Ten Zhu, who was advancing a campaign to help secure the stability of his kingdom. There was one last fort to conquer before he and his men could go home, and some of his men were feeling a bit beleaguered after their long journey. They dreamed of returning home to their wives and families, and they also had doubts about their ability to make the 3-day journey through the jungle to the enemy fortress. Ten Zhu could tell their hearts were not really in this last battle which would secure the kingdom, so he meditated and came up with a plan. At night while the men were sleeping, Ten Zhu arose and crept to the supply wagon, removing all the cooking pots. He carried them a distance away and smashed them to pieces in the middle of the night. When his men woke up the next morning they were horrified to see all the cooking gear destroyed. They knew that they had only three days worth of edible food left, and it was exactly a 3-day journey through the jungle to the enemies’ fortress. They suddenly realized the only way they were going to survive was to win this battle. After getting over their anger, they shifted into a unified group spirit, and moved swiftly and efficiently through the strange terrain of the jungle, arriving a half day early. This gave them a strategic advantage in being able to observe the habits and patterns of the enemy guards. At midnight they were able to launch a surprise attack, thereby capturing the fortress and replenishing their supplies.

Life is like this sometimes. Are you willing to go all the way beyond any doubt or hesitation to do what is necessary for your survival? It may not be survival in sense of the “life or death” scenario of Ten Zhu and his men; however it is worth asking yourself, “Is my soul really alive, or have I traded in my spirit for some form of false security or approval?” This is a far worse death in a way, and the hypnotic effect of mindless masses trudging through the rote and mundane of life can numb you to who you really are, undermining your infinite potential and sense of possibility.

Our own life will at times require an intense level of focus and commitment to reach a desired goal. This goal or ambition may also be internal, as in the thought, “I’m no longer going to be insecure or fearful in my life, just because my mother or father lived in a shadow of fear.” Now there’s a personal jungle to get through!

The number 10 represents issues of courage, self loyalty, and the ability to maintain a victorious spirit in spite of what may be occurring in the external environments. Rome may be burning, but you keep your cool.

Another aspect of this month is the presence of double 4’s in the sub-layers of the cycle. Number 4 has to do with issues of process, structure, and order. In the science of Numerology, any number can shift into the negative polarity, and when 4 goes negative, we begin to feel trapped in a box, suffocated by regiment and routine. This is where we get the expression, “Think outside the box.” In the romantic comedy “Joe vs. The Volcano” starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, we see Joe trudging off to work under a dull gray sky, shuffling along within the herd of the totally uninspired. His office is in a windowless basement that has soul-sucking fluorescent lighting and really bad coffee. As he sits in front of his desk, not able to imagine how he can bear another day, the good news comes that he’s fired. This spins him off into a wild adventure of experiencing himself and finding true love along the way. Our lives may not be a Hollywood movie, but they do contain the powerful emotions we all feel at times, allowing us to question the risks we are willing to take to gain our freedom.

At this time allow yourself to question and explore your own reality, and how truly happy you may or may not be. Is there a change that is necessary? You may not have to march three days through an uncharted jungle just to survive, however don’t abandon yourself to the safety zone of life where you are left feeling lackluster and uninspired.

Striking the cosmic balance, let’s look to a quote of Thoreau which proclaims,

If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams,
and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined,
he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.
He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary:
new, universal, and more liberal laws will begin to establish
themselves around and within him; or the old laws be
expanded, and interpreted in his favor in a more liberal
sense, and he will live with the license of a higher order of beings.

terça-feira, 12 de outubro de 2010

Inscrições Abertas em Sintra e Almoçageme

Sat Nam! :)

Pois é, tudo muda, só necessitamos deixar a vida fluir. A tendência é tentar contrariar esse novo rumo que a vida toma, em vez de nos permitirmos seguir esse novo caminho rendidos, com o coração aberto. Como diz Yogi Bhajan:

"Life should be nothing but life. Let it flow. The gift of life is a gift; it is not your property. The flow of life is a gift of life. It is not under your control; therefore, let it flow."

Assim, as aulas em Lisboa no Espaço Tuatha estão canceladas devido a uma situação pessoal que me deixou, e deixa, bastante triste, mas também porque estando a viver neste momento perto de Sintra não se justificava ir a Lisboa trabalhar. Além de que a barriguinha já exige uma certa dose de descanso, eheh

Mas porque nada acontece ao acaso, outras oportunidades surgiram.

Estão abertas as inscrições para Aulas de Kundalini Yoga e Kundalini Yoga para Grávidas nos seguintes espaços:

- Associação dos Bombeiros Voluntários de Almoçageme - Telf. 219 288 171

- Associação Cultural Art of Living em Sintra - Telf. 219 248 969 - art.of.living1@gmail.com

O calendário está ainda a ser organizado, mas qualquer dúvida contactem as associações acima ou escrevam-me para gurukiretkaur@gmail.com.

Tenham um óptimo dia!

segunda-feira, 11 de outubro de 2010

O que é o Kundalini Yoga?

Sat Nam!

Aqui vos deixo um resumo dum texto informativo sobre Kundalini Yoga do Kundalini Research Institute.



O que é o Kundalini Yoga?

Kundalini Yoga, como ensinado por Yogi Bhajan, é considerada a mais abrangente das tradições do yoga, que combina meditação, mantras, exercícios físicos e técnicas de respiração. É um Raj Yog, abrangendo os oito membros do Yoga, numa prática de excelência singular e de êxtase.

"Kundalini" literalmente significa "a onda da mecha de cabelo do amado." Essa poética metáfora faz alusão ao fluxo de energia e à consciência que existe dentro de cada um de nós, e nos permite fundir-nos com o Eu Universal. Combinando a consciência individual e universal criamos uma união divina, chamada de "Yoga".

Kundalini Yoga como ensinado por Yogi Bhajan é também conhecido como o Yoga da Consciência. O seu foco está no auto-conhecimento e em oferecer uma experiência da nossa consciência superior. A tecnologia de Kundalini Yoga é uma ciência da mente e do corpo, para elevar o espírito, que não tem fronteiras, sem discriminação. Por isso, é para todos, universal e sem denominação. De resto, na tradição antiga que é o Yoga, o Kundalini Yoga é um caminho de família, isto é, sempre foi praticada por aqueles com famílias e empregos, por oposição ao caminho de um asceta, votado ao celibato e à margem da sociedade, que era o caminho usual de um Yogi.

As Origens

Os Upanishads, que remontam ao século V a.C., descrevem a kundalini, embora a tradição oral remonta ainda mais longe na história. Esta ciência e tecnologia sagrada foi mantida em segredo e passada verbalmente de mestre para discípulo, por centenas, talvez milhares, de anos e cruza-se com a linhagem dos Mestres Sikhs como Guru Nanak, Guru Ram Das e Guru Gobind Singh nos últimos 500 anos. As suas fontes incluem muitos outros mestres de yoga da região de Punjab do Norte da Índia, bem como as contribuições dos Gurus no uso do Naad (corrente de som) e do Shabd Guru (som que transforma a Consciência). Guru Nanak no séc. XV iniciou a linha Udasi através de seu filho Baba Siri Chand, um Mestre que serviu e ensinou por mais de 100 anos. Ele ensinou a todas as linhagens existentes da época e educou vários dos Gurus Sikh enquanto jovens. Yogi Bhajan foi o primeiro a ensinar abertamente Kundalini Yoga no Oriente ou no Ocidente.

O objectivo do Kundalini Yoga

O objectivo principal é o despertar do potencial da consciência humana em cada indivíduo; isto é, reconhecer a nossa consciência, refiná-la, e expandir essa consciência ao nosso Eu Ilimitado; remover qualquer dualidade interior, criar o poder de escutar profundamente, cultivar a quietude interior, e prosperar e oferecer excelência em tudo que fazemos.

O foco do Kundalini Yoga, como ensinado por Yogi Bhajan, reside na experiência pessoal e na consciência individual através da prática de Kriya (acção) e do Naad (som). Nós despertamos a kundalini de maneira a sermos capazes de convocar todo o potencial dos sistemas nervoso e glandular e equilibrar o sistema subtil dos chakras e meridianos no corpo. "Kriya" é um padrão de movimentos orquestrados, som, pranayama, mudras, concentração e meditação que orientará automaticamente as energias do corpo e da mente a um resultado específico ou a uma mudança de consciência.

O Kundalini Yoga não conta com qualquer uma destas técnicas per se, apesar de utilizar muitos delas. Em vez disso, é a sintaxe original e testada dentro da estrutura de cada Kriya que proporciona o progresso constante e aproveita estas funções básicas do corpo e da mente para criar um rápido e sustentável crescimento pessoal e de cura. Nesta tradição, a meditação não é considerada separadamente da asana ou do yoga, é parte integrante da prática. Os exercícios da Kriya encaminham o corpo e a mente para um estado onde a meditação profunda é facilmente alcançada.

A estrutura da aula

Kundalini Yoga como ensinado por Yogi Bhajan é provavelmente o estilo mais formalizado de yoga actualmente ensinado em todo o mundo. Em qualquer aula, em qualquer lugar do mundo, podemos esperar que incluam seis componentes principais:

1) Sintonização com o Adi Mantra,

2) Pranayama e/ou aquecimento,

3) Kriya,

4) Relaxamento,

5) Meditação,

6 ) Fecho com a música bênção: "Que o eterno sol te ilumine".

Kriyas são conjuntos completos de exercícios que são realizados nas sequências dadas pelo Mestre Yogi Bhajan. Estas podem ser simples e curtas sequências, como podem envolver exercícios vigorosos, até mesmo extenuantes, e poderosas técnicas de respiração como a Respiração de Fogo, que desafiam e reforçam os sistemas nervoso e endócrino e testam a vontade do praticante além das limitações de seu ego. O objectivo fundamental é o despertar o poder do indivíduo para distingui-lo, para que experiencie a sua Infinidade e cumpra o seu destino pessoal.

Informação retirada de: Kundalini Reasearch Institute

quinta-feira, 8 de julho de 2010

Inscrições Abertas

Sat Nam!

Bem-vindos a este espaço "internético" dedicado ao Kundalini Yoga, como ensinado por Yogi Bhajan.
Para os kundalineiros ou pessoas interessadas, aqui vai ser o lugar onde podem encontrar informação sobre esta maravilhosa prática - meditações, kriyas, pranayamas - bem como divulgação de alguns eventos relacionados com o Kundalini Yoga, nomeadamente em Portugal.


E aqui vai primeira divulgação!

Estão abertas inscrições para aulas de Kundalini Yoga no centro de Lisboa no Espaço Tuatha, antigo Centro Cho-Ku-Rei:

- Kundalini Yoga
- Kundalini Yoga para Grávidas

2º, 3º e 5ºFeira - 7h30h-9h

3º e 5ºFeira - 13h-14h30

2ºFeira - 18h30-20h

Nota: Os horários, nomeadamente na manhã e na hora de almoço, poderão ser ajustados em função da disponibilidade, pelo que em caso de dúvida é melhor pedir informação

Qualquer dúvida, por favor contactem através do email: gurukiretkaur@gmail.com

Espero vê-los em breve!